Direct Reactive and Active Power Regulation of DFIG using an Intelligent Modified Sliding-Mode Control Approach

Habib Benbouhenni, Hamza Gasmi, Nicu Bizon


This work presents a novel direct reactive and active power control (DRAPC) of grid-connected doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based dual-rotor wind power systems. The designed DRAPC technique employs an intelligente modified sliding mode controller (IMSMC) to directly calculate the required rotor control voltage so as to eliminate the power ripples and the instantaneous errors of reactive and active powers without involving any synchronous coordinate transformations. Thus, no extra current control loops are required, thereby simplifying the system design and enhancing the transient performance. The rotor inverter is controlled by traditional pulse width modulation, which eases the designs of the power converter and the AC harmonic filter. Simulation results on a 1.5-MW grid-connected DFIG system are provided and compared with those of the traditional DRAPC with proportional-integral controllers. The designed DRAPC technique provides enhanced transient performance similar to the traditional DRAPC technique and minimizes the current, active power, and torque ripples.


Direct reactive and active power control, intelligente modified sliding-mode controller, doubly-fed induction generator, pulse width modulation, dual-rotor wind power system.

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